About Us

In a democratic country, every opinion, every word, and every promise counts. What we want is to give good leaders a ladder to reach a pinnacle from where they can guide the people towards progress. And for this, effective communication is crucial for implementing policies that impact millions of lives. However, relying solely on one-way communication through mass media limits a political leader's ability to connect with the public.

Polistrat is a specialised consultancy that empowers governments and political parties to communicate effectively and effortlessly. Founded by experienced public affairs specialists, election strategists, political strategists, and government communications experts, Polistrat provides comprehensive guidance to political leaders and governments on winning elections, attracting investments, managing personal and political brands, and developing research-based audience outreach strategies to engage with diverse stakeholders across various regions.
Polistrat is one of the few consultancies in India that offers a complete suite of campaign management services, including research, data analytics, polls, creative, advertising, public relations, content, digital, social media, rural outreach, word-of-mouth marketing, guerrilla marketing, animations and films, activation & events, and design experiences.


Creative TEAM

We are a hard-working team that is fully focused on high-end programs and functional apps for our clients.